πŸ™ Fukui City β†’ πŸ™ Eihei-ji β†’ β›° Mount Daibutsuji β†’ Katsuyama, Fukui

Map of Fukui Prefecture with author’s route from Fukui City to Katsuyama highlighted. πŸ—Ί Open map in GaiaGPS β†’

Two people sit on the side of the road by their bicycles, looking across rice fields. πŸ“ Fukui City

A rocky path between the trunks of two big trees, with the roof of a Japanese building behind them.

An elaborately carved metal hinge on a wooden door.

A monk pushes a cart across the courtyard of a Japanese temple.

A carved wooden hallway with windows on the left.

Carved wooden flowers and dragons on a column.

Carved wooden windows direct light on a polished wooden floor.

A menacing looking carved wooden fish-monster hangs from the ceiling of a Japanese temple. πŸ“ Eihei-ji, Fukui

β€œSit on the cushion,” the monk said, β€œand put your left foot on your right thigh, then cross your right foot over your left leg.”

We sat in a dim hall at the magnificent Zen Buddhist temple of Eihei-ji, and I did as instructed. He was beautiful, bald, ethereal, dressed in flowing black robes.

β€œRelax your shoulders, form a circle with your hands, then look at the floor in front of you. When I ring my bell, we will not move or speak for five minutes.”

He rang his bell again after a minute, possibly unable to imagine a Westerner who could shut up for longer.

β€œWas it hard?”

It was wonderful, not unlike the 10 hours I walk every day.

β€œWe wake up at 3 AM, and start out first hour of meditation ten minutes later.”

He had arrived in February, when deep snow covers the buildings, which hug the contours of the mountainside.

β€œIt was very cold. But I can fold my robe over my hands, like this.”

The only sound was the creak of footsteps in the centuries-old hallways, and the rustle of the cedar grove which concealed the temple.

β€œI really liked The Grand Budapest Hotel”, he said. β€œIt’s a great movie.”

Pink azaleas in bloom. πŸ“ Eihei-ji, Fukui

View of distant snow peak, Hakusan, from a densely forested hilltop. πŸ“ Mount Daibutsuji, Fukui

I left Eihei-ji up the mountainside, on a steep, wet path humming with insects, and when I stepped out of the forest, 500 meters above the temple, I saw the valley of the KuzuryΕ« River snaking inland, checked by the white wall of Hakusan, its famous snows impervious to the fierce June sun. β€œI could write forever about Hakusan,” Fukada KyΕ«ya wrote in One Hundred Mountains of Japan, and I walked towards its snowy heights, drawn like a moth to a flame.

The setting sun over the sea as seen from a densely forested place. πŸ“ Mount Daibutsuji, Fukui

These Walking Dreams is a visual field diary of a 4,300-kilometer walk from one end of Japan to the other, in the spring and summer of 2017.