Human Again (2022)

A pine tree and a volcano in the evening light under colorful clouds

A series of three longer dispatches I wrote on a 640-kilometer walk across Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan’s four main islands, in August and September 2022. It is the second stage of my walk around all of Japan.

Shikoku Field Diary (2019)

In the darkness, a plum tree is in full pink bloom while there is still snow on the ground. Photo by Gyula Simonyi

A visual field diary I kept in January and February 2019 on the 500-kilometer walk across Shikoku, the smallest of Japan’s four main islands, that became the subject of The Wilds of Shikoku, my first book.

These Walking Dreams (2017)

Two young girls run along the dyke between two flooded ricefields, with more ricefields, ranges of hills, and the setting Sun visible behind them.

A visual field diary I kept on a 4,300-kilometer walk from one end of Japan to the other, in the spring and summer of 2017. It is the first stage of my walk around all of Japan.

Travels in Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan (2016)

Fields glow with strange golden light in front of a line of low hills.

Pictures from a three-month journey in Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan, including an 850-kilometer walk across the Zagros Mountains, in the spring of 2016.