๐Ÿฏ Matsuyama, Ehime โ†’ Tลon, Ehime

Map of Ehime Prefecture with authorโ€™s route between Matsuyama and Tลon highlighted. ๐Ÿ—บ Open map in GaiaGPS โ†’

Yellow irises by a pond in a park on a rainy day, with an apartment building in the background. ๐Ÿ“ Dลgo Park, Matsuyama

A red Alfa Romeo and a black Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen parked in a driveway behind a grate.

Two carved wooden birds in top hats, the female in sunglasses, sit on metal chairs outside a shop.

A field of golden grass-like plants in front of houses and mountains half-obscured by swirling grey clouds. ๐Ÿ“ Matsuyama, Ehime

The head of a buddhist roadside deity dressed in a red cap and a red apron. ๐Ÿ“ Tลon, Ehime

These Walking Dreams is a visual field diary of a 4,300-kilometer walk from one end of Japan to the other, in the spring and summer of 2017.