Shimukappu, Hokkaido β†’ Ochiai, South Furano, Hokkaido

Map of Hokkaido with author’s route from Shimukappu to Ochiai, South Furano highlighted. πŸ—Ί Open map in GaiaGPS β†’

Gabor walks towards a conical hill on a bright blue day. πŸ“ Shimukappu, Hokkaido

Three tall, narrow ski hotels in a summery, hilly landscape. πŸ“ Tomamu ski area, Shimukappu, Hokkaido

Gabor takes a rest in the shadow of a tree.

A bench made of white birch logs.

A birch forest with an undergrowth of bamboo grass.

Five horses, all different colors, eating a huge mound of carrots. πŸ“ Upper Tomamu, Shimukappu, Hokkaido

These Walking Dreams is a visual field diary of a 4,300-kilometer walk from one end of Japan to the other, in the spring and summer of 2017.