Shihoro, Hokkaido β†’ 🦢🏻 Ashoro, Hokkaido

Map of Hokkaido with author’s route from Shihoro to Ashoro highlighted. πŸ—Ί Open map in GaiaGPS β†’

A rusty shack with a tall chimney on a rainy day. πŸ“ Shihoro, Hokkaido

A croissant filled with ice cream. πŸ“ Upper Shihoro, Hokkaido

The only thing better than ice cream for breakfast on a gloomy Tokachi morning is ice cream in a croissant for breakfast, a twist on the Sicilian marvel of ice cream in a brioche. For the next 30 kilometers, we walked in a straight line by the side of the highway, in the constant drone of trucks in the drizzle, and I had not a care in the world.

A tall sign saying: β€œA town pursuing world peace in the face of nuclearization” πŸ“ Upper Shihoro, Hokkaido

The bare, sandalled feet of the author and Gabor around a manhole cover decorated with two large feet holding large leaves. 🦢🏻 Ashoro, Hokkaido

These Walking Dreams is a visual field diary of a 4,300-kilometer walk from one end of Japan to the other, in the spring and summer of 2017.