🏙 Kushiro, Hokkaido → Konbumori, Hokkaido

Map of Hokkaido with author’s route from Kushiro to Konbumori highlighted. Open map in Gaia GPS →

View of a small city from a bridge across a wide river. 📍 Kushiro, Hokkaido

People throng a seafood stall at a market.
Frozen flatfish in a wooden crate.

A lunch bowl of very colorful raw seafood: yellow sea urchin, pink shrimp, various pink and yellow fish, white squid, white-yellow crab. 📍 Kushiro Washō Market, Hokkaido

Oh God, not another fucking beautiful rainbow of a seafood bowl, to paraphrase Alice de Janzé from White Mischief.

Fireworks explode in the night sky above a small city.

Many of the characters from the film My Neighbor Totoro on a trellis. 📍 Kushiro, Hokkaido

These Walking Dreams is a visual field diary of a 4,300-kilometer walk from one end of Japan to the other, in the spring and summer of 2017.